Once again, went to royal plaza on scotts to haf dinner buffet wif my relatives to celebrate my grandma's bdae. Haven seen them for quite long, i think the no of times i see them can b counted wif 5 fingers n there will still b fingers left. Wad to do leh? My aprents dun haf the time to go to my grandma's hse every week to gather wif them due to their job, plus my parents dun like them playing mahjong everytime. My father's idea of gathering together is a time wehre everyone seat down n tok to one another. A little of mahjong wun kill but not everytime....I dun like this feeling: when i see them, dunno wad to sae to them. So i told my siblings tt next time when we grow up, we muz at least gather together once a week, so tt our relationshps will b still growing strong.
Aiyo, juz now so angry leh...y everytime haf to push the responsibility to me leh. I mean u r an adult n u oso noe everything. When things aren't going well, u'll push everything to me. I mean i did my part le, the food isn't here yet, juz wait for a while lor. If u wan to b fast, go to the kitchen n take urself lar. I hate tt whenever there is trouble, u juz push it to me, u oso noe the details ma......Wah kao!!!!
Aiyo, juz now so angry leh...y everytime haf to push the responsibility to me leh. I mean u r an adult n u oso noe everything. When things aren't going well, u'll push everything to me. I mean i did my part le, the food isn't here yet, juz wait for a while lor. If u wan to b fast, go to the kitchen n take urself lar. I hate tt whenever there is trouble, u juz push it to me, u oso noe the details ma......Wah kao!!!!