Sunday, May 10, 2009

To my wonderful mummy

Due to bro exams' coming up soon + we think tt going out to eat will haf to wait for a long time, so we decide to celebrate at home 1st. By...whipping out some home cooked dish together wif my sis n misnem. Thou it seems tt my sis is the one doing more stuff. Bought a durian cake from Jane's cake shop from Jalan Kayu. It's superb delicious!!! As thou eating the real fruit.
Ondeh Ondeh. Super chewy n bouncy
These 2 were fried by me... Perfection!
Hand made cheese fondue

Di! Stop eating

I really want to thank my mom for being with me for 21 years. Thou sometimes i do get angry wif her for being too strict. I could still rmb during my jc time, i wrote a chinese compo titled - 我的母亲. I wrote tt when i was young, i hated my mom for hitting me so harshly, for restricting on so many things. I even harbour the tots of sending her to the old folks' home when i grow up. To punished her. Haha...But to think again, without her strictness, i will not b able to attend uni at all...I will still be somewhere "nuaing" around. I love you!

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