Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Happy Happy!!!!!!

After waiting for 3 months+ after my bdae, i finally got my present from my bro. It's a "bunny bank". N speaking of present, i oso still owe my bro a treat.

Yesterday nite was spent wif WEME. We finally reunited again after a month plus. OH! Was really super happy to see them again! Gaf them a hug. We sang till 2. Wow! It's a great feat tt we managed to stay awake till then thou we did "nua" about.

WEME-Esther, Me!
Ditto me! Was complaining bout the blury images of these 2 photo, not realizing tt my camera lens has condensed!
Drivers passing by us muz b thinking tt we're crazy to stop out of nowhere n posed in front the mirror to take a group pic in the middle of the night!
Charlie's angel in action???
Wen has to make her presence felt!
Walked back to Wen's hse to continue wiiing at her hse. But in the midway, it started pouring. Ran all the way to the nearby bus stop, wanted to hitch a cab but no one wanted to stop. Dunno y.

By the time we reached her hse, our face n bottom half of our body r already drenched. Such a memorable night. It's really "so near yet so far" Since we're not far from wen's hse when we got stucked!

I'm so going to get a wii set for myself too. Loved the games. N thru wii, i realized tt Elaine had such a violent streak. Leaving other ppl no chance....Tsk tsk...N i 'm loving the wii fit-yoga.

Went to bed at 6+ cos everyone was tired. But amazingly, i was still very awake. So i lied on the bed looking around. Elaine n man shared a bed. While wen n i shared 1. With nth to do, i began to observe the rest. While staring at elaine, i was so afraid tt her eyes will suddenly juz opened. Dun b misunderstood, i dun haf a fetish for elaine. it's juz tt given my restricted position, she's the closest to me n the easiest to look at.

When i was bout to slp, i heard wen muttering some stuff b4 shifting her leg. B4 i knew it, i was almost knocked off the bed. HAHA..

Woke up at bout 9.30. Went home to put my stuff b4 meeting them for breakfast. After tt was mahjong time. Ooo, n i won! But it was juz for fun with no real money being involved.

Had such a great time wif them. Next meeting shld b coming up soon....

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