After dinner, hang out at the usual place which is the little park below my hse. Tis time, ido not need bring down toilet roll to clean up the place. Cos for the past, it always rain b4 we went down. Discussed bout Man's bdae. Theme: Flower. Need to think of some ideas of wad to wear. Guess got to pack quite alot of stuff huh...Staying over at the club hse b4 n after her event. Also discussed bout our Redang. Seriously, Wen, was thinking of how r u going to squeeze everything into tt not small but not big FILA bag???
Din stay for too long cos my dad called to asked me to return home immediately. Shucks! But not forgetting to post the limited pics we took wif my limited camera battery.
The next day, went shopping wif Elaine n Wen. Had Lerk Thai for lunch. Not bad. After we head over to vivo to let Wen buy some stuff for Redang trip. They bought the slippers i got from Surfer's Paradise. Now the 4 of us had the same style of slippers.

I got a shawl from Pull n Bear. Going to wear for tis sat's wedding. Dunno how i look leh? Is it too casual??
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