It was fun!!! I tot there will b awkwardness between all of us, since many of us r seeing one another after a TOTAL of 9 years...But not at all!!! We were such a noisy bunch! Basically, most of us din changed much. We juz grew taller!!!It brought back lots of memories while reminiscing all those funny n childish moments tt we've done in the past. Making of staple bullets n shooting it into our classmates' hair who is sitting in front of us. Those sitting right at the front, trying to shoot it into one of our most hated teacher's "grape" hair-Mdm Elizabeth Goh.
I hate her too. For making me stand in front of everyone during our assembly time when i was not even talking at all!!!Somemore on the first day of pri 1. My little fragile heart was shattered into pieces.Idiot....
All those teachers funny nicknames like 唐老鸭. Trying to remember which guy has crushes on which gal, the passing of "love" notes!!!! Trying to remember who is in our class who was not present for the gathering. Trying to remember everyone's index no. Thinking who's our class monitor n monitress....When someone new arrived, it's a routine for everyone to try to rmb who is who....
It's juz pure fun. No moment of awkwardness at all!!! I would love to stay longer but then my dad told me to drive his car cos the place is very dark at night n he has to used the car by 10.45. But then i drag until 10.40 then i leave the place. They're already waiting for me at the carpark! Oops, i think my dad is
I hope it wun b too long since we haf another class gathering. Definitely hope tt it wun b another 9 years. By tt time, everyone will lugging their significant partners n kids along. Discussing which kindergarten our kids shld enter. Which milk formula is the best for our kids...Tt's wad my fren sae....

Can u spot me????
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