We finished quite early at round 9. Stood beside the railing, deciding whether we r going to borrow a bball from those ppl playing. Finally, deciding to heck n go home straight. Everyone is tired le. On the way home, having a terrible headache, think due to dehydration. By the time i got home, it got so worse, i feel like fainting, could not stand up straight.

Worse, got to help out at my father's stall early the next morning. Felt really terrible when i got to my fathers's stall, my mom sae i looked pale. Left at round 10.30. Got to rushed home, meeting the gals later. Met up wif Manru n Wen Qian earlier to get sth for elaine's christmas. Finally deciding to get a giraffe pouch n a keychain. Luckily, she loved it, all thks to Wen Qian's contribution of idea...lol....
Went to Dhoby Ghaut, initially our plan was to go to Minds Cafe, but the whole place was booked for a private event. Idiot...the weather was so hot, make us walk all the way le, then haf to walk back, not feeling very well....so we decided to watch twilight. But the show at 2.40 was sold out, next one is at 5 n elaine will not b able to make it, she meeting her fren at 6. Hmm...so we sat down at one of the bench, taking photos n deciding wad's plan C. In the end, we decided to go to the arcade. Spent $5 each, we r so like small children. Later went to secret recipe to haf their tea special. Ordered almond coffee cake+iced lemon tea. Teased Wen Qian bout her. Gal, rmb to invite us on stage on ur wedding night to share the wonderful moments u had wif us...Confirmed going to b a joyous event filled wif laughter!!!!

Worse, got to help out at my father's stall early the next morning. Felt really terrible when i got to my fathers's stall, my mom sae i looked pale. Left at round 10.30. Got to rushed home, meeting the gals later. Met up wif Manru n Wen Qian earlier to get sth for elaine's christmas. Finally deciding to get a giraffe pouch n a keychain. Luckily, she loved it, all thks to Wen Qian's contribution of idea...lol....
Went to Dhoby Ghaut, initially our plan was to go to Minds Cafe, but the whole place was booked for a private event. Idiot...the weather was so hot, make us walk all the way le, then haf to walk back, not feeling very well....so we decided to watch twilight. But the show at 2.40 was sold out, next one is at 5 n elaine will not b able to make it, she meeting her fren at 6. Hmm...so we sat down at one of the bench, taking photos n deciding wad's plan C. In the end, we decided to go to the arcade. Spent $5 each, we r so like small children. Later went to secret recipe to haf their tea special. Ordered almond coffee cake+iced lemon tea. Teased Wen Qian bout her. Gal, rmb to invite us on stage on ur wedding night to share the wonderful moments u had wif us...Confirmed going to b a joyous event filled wif laughter!!!!

For dinner, bought a box of sushi n went ouside of ps to sit at those steps n eat together wif Manru n Wen Qian. Din finished it. Was so tired, dun feel like moving so we juz sat there till 8, MEt up wif Elaine n went home. Not b4 letting wEN Qian go play wif those machine, wad's the name huh??? - tikam?

Next outing on the 29th......high tea....
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